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Our Philosophy

Educational Projects/Arts/Culture/Performances/Diaspora/CoKids/Paso Negro

We build cultural bridges to create social connections and care for the people we serve.  O Team develops movements that utilize the arts as an educational resource to empower under-resourced communities. We work in urbanized, multicultural spaces where our members are creators of their representation and feel safe being authentic. We are driven by a strong desire to make positive social change and help rewrite the narratives of BIPOC communities.  We believe in the power of reconnecting as we learn and heal. We believe in supporting young leaders who can give our work continuity in the ways their communities need as we continue to evolve as a society. O Team's work connects the Diaspora from the United States with Puerto Rico, and we grow in these socio-cultural exchanges as we become part of their communities, and they learn about other cultural practices that advocate for their well-being, strength, and evolution.


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